Sunday, October 21, 2018

The Media is Fooling Us

On October 19th, 2018, Rob Savillo wrote an article about how mass media has been consistently ignoring and failing to speak about the topic of healthcare in 2018. Although health care has been and will always be considered a large issue (especially with midterm elections coming up), and with Republicans having made efforts to alter health care policies in a negative way, the topic still has hardly been touched on all year. Rob Savillo mentions how even some of the largest news broadcasts in the country have failed to address the issue, even though they have some of the largest audiences of any media sources in the genre. I feel as though this is a prime example of biases within mass media as a whole because as mentioned, the GOP-led attacks on the ACA are failing to be mentioned on channels like CBS, NBC, and ABC. This would clearly mean that these channels are avoiding publicity on these attacks by avoiding the discussion as a whole, simply because they know fewer people will watch their broadcasts if they showed their political views so clearly. The author also mentions in his article that the efforts to sabotage health care policy in 2018 have purely been done by the Republican party and the Trump administration. In conclusion, this article goes to show that biases within the media do exist. And as long as we continue to be listeners and consumers of this information, we can all be easily brainwashed into altering our political views based off of what someone else is telling us.

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