Friday, October 5, 2018

Critics of Kavanaugh

On October 4th, 2018, The New York Times Editorial Board wrote an article addressing the many ways that Brett Kavanaugh failed and is failing to withhold his nomination to the Supreme Court and why he should not be nominated. The Editorial Board is writing from the opinions of the board, its editor, and its publisher. The intended audience could potentially be toward people who are in support of Brett Kavanaugh, as it states many reasons and situations where he should not be elected to the Supreme Court, or it could be for an audience who is already against the nomination of Kavanaugh, as they would agree with majority of the statements within the article. As the article is written from opinions of those from the Editorial Board, “credibility” regarding the information within the article can be deemed true due to the fact that there are mostly facts stated throughout. However, The Editorial Board does throw in many statements that come from their own judgements of Kavanaugh. The author’s main argument is essentially that the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court is very much testing the politicians and civic institutions of our country. Evidence and reasoning for this argument is stated throughout the article in many circumstances. To name a few… First, The Editorial Board mentions the concern that if Kavanaugh is willing to lie under oath about the situation regarding his sexual assault accusations, that he will most likely lie about bigger things as well. Second, Kavanaugh raised his voice in an angry manner during his hearing at Democratic senators and refused to answer the questions that they had for him regarding the incident with Christine Ford, the woman who he supposedly raped back in 1982 at a high school party. With many more reasons listed throughout the article, it is clear that Kavanaugh’s consistent dishonesty and failure to act according to law gives plenty of logical reasons to not support him in his nomination and his self defense regarding the situation with Christine Ford.

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