Friday, September 21, 2018

The Congressional Takeover

Midterm elections are in early November and approaching quickly, with news cycles repeatedly analyzing the chances of various outcomes. The general political thought has been that Democrats will regain control of the House of Representatives and Republicans will maintain a Senate majority. Midterms are getting lots of attention in Texas in particular, as Democrat Beto O’Rourke is giving Republican Ted Cruz a run for his money, according to polls.

This Bloomberg article highlights the tormenting effects a Democratic congressional takeover would have on Republicans. These include, but are not limited to, countless investigations of President Trump and no hope at translating any more conservative agenda into policy. The party of the president usually suffers in the midterm elections, but some analysts believe it could be as disastrous for Republicans now as it was for Democrats in 2010, when Republicans gained 63 seats in the House and 6 seats in the Senate. If blue candidates like O’Rourke can win in a red state like Texas and Democrats such as Claire McCaskill facing reelection in states Trump won can pull off victories, Democrats will have high odds in both chambers of Congress. The article further discusses how the GOP is looking bad in terms of fundraising, turnout, and polls, though it is worth noting how inaccurate 2016 presidential polls were. Additionally, the article points out a problem the Republicans have: despite passing massive tax cuts, they have not followed through on two of the president’s campaign promises — constructing a border wall and repealing Obamacare. It will be worth watching as to whether Republicans’ worst fear will be reality soon — losing a majority in both chambers — or whether this fear among right-wing voters will surge unexpected turnout in the same fashion that got President Trump into office.

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